Changes to Latest Schedule VI of Companies Act, 1956

Schedule VI of Companies Act stipulates the format in which every company should prepare and present its Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss account. These stipulations ensure comprehensive presentation of the financial performance and position of a company. This enables a fair comparison of the company’s performance against its own historical performance, as well as comparison with other companies.

The benefits of  latest changes on Schedule VI of Companies Act

Changes to Schedule VI were brought about by MCA in March 2011. A concise description of these changes is presented herein.

    1. Classification:These comprise of a set of changes dealing with how facts are recorded in the financial reports. The table below shows the major changes in classification of assets and liabilities

Revised Schedule VI Classification

Earlier Schedule VI Classification

Asset Classification under two categories, Current Assets and Non-current Assets No such classification existed previously
Fixed Assets are classified into Tangible and Intangible assets No such classification existed previously
New category of Fixed assets, ˜Intangible Assets Under Development added No such category existed previously
Liabilities are classified under ˜Current and ˜Non-current. Constituents of Current and Non-current liabilities modified There was no classification as Non-Current Liabilities. Earlier the liabilities were classified into Share Holders Funds, Loan Funds, Deferred Tax Liability and Current Liability.
    1. Representation: These changes pertain to how facts are represented in the financial report.

Revised Schedule VIRepresentation

Earlier Schedule VIRepresentation

Debit balance in the Profit & Loss Account is to be adjusted with values shown under the Surplus head.In case the value under Surplus is still negative, this needs to be adjusted with the balance against Reserves and Surplus.


In case the value under Surplus is still negative after the above adjustments, it needs to be represented as a negative value under Liabilities.

Debit balance in the Profit & Loss account shall be shown under ASSETS side after deduction from uncommitted reserves (if any)
Share Application Money Pending Allotment need to be shown separately under share holders funds and not under Reserves and surplus Share application money pending allotmentwas included in the Reserves and surplus.


  1. Nomenclature:Schedule VI has also been modified to include changes in nomenclature.
    • The headings in the Balance Sheet are now Equities , Liabilities and Assets. The earlier nomenclature was Sources of funds and Application of funds.
    • Cash and Cash Equivalents has replaced the element Cash and Bank Balance. Cash and Cash Equivalents is a wider term that includes cash, bank balance, money market funds, other short term deposits etc.
    • Trade receivables and Trade payables is used in the place of Sundry debtors and Sundry Creditors respectively.
  2. Visual : The latest changes to Schedule VI permit only the vertical format for preparation of Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss, and Cash Flow Statements

The changes described above have been incorporated with a view to keep the reporting norms updated with current trends.

DataTracks India is part of DataTracks Global, leaders worldwide in preparation of financial statements in XBRL and iXBRL formats for filing with regulators. DataTracks Global prepares more than 10,000 statements a year in XBRL format for regulatory filings with SEC in United States, HMRC in United Kingdom and MCA in India. DataTracks Global is a unit of DataTracks Services Limited( To find out more, visit or send an email to

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