Cloud-based solution for automated preparation of
compliance & regulatory reports in HTML, XBRL/iXBRL formats

Data extracted automatically off systems, narratives written in collaboration
19 years.  26 countries.  28,000+ clients.  400,000 reports.

We offer software solutions to help you prepare your compliance reports

In time

Your report can be ready as soon as your books are ready.

Numbers flow automatically from books to designated spots in reports.

Your team has to review the numbers and write the narratives alone.

With Ease

All you need to do is review. Not prepare.

Minds on and hands-off preparation of compliance reports.

Not to mention the low cost.

With Accuracy

You can sleep well. Your reports would be consistent with your books.

Even when your reports include a million pieces of data (as can be true if you are a country wide bank reporting to the Fed in multiple jurisdictions).

How our software product works?

Five easy steps (two are one time; three are recurring):

Set up data model
Set up templates
Write narratives
Tag content
Extract reports

Set up a data model. Map from sources in your enterprise. Data will be fed automatically into data model when your source is ready

Set up as multiple report templates. Data can be defined in report as in data model or as computed from sources in data model

Write narratives (multiple people can contribute; owner decides on what goes in)

Tag content with labels in various taxonomies for different reports, such as reports for filing with the SEC and ESMA (ESEF) in one system

Extract reports in any format required by regulator

product main
We offer 24x7 support to help you with our product, with advice on tagging decisions and even to assist you in preparation of reports.

We also offer fully assisted services

You send your financial statements and narratives. We feed them into our solution; format the content; tag the content; and extract reports in the format preferred by your regulator. We offer fully assisted services in a selection of regulatory regimes. Contact us to check whether we provide this in your area.

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